Saturday, December 09, 2006

Our next stop on our trip was Sea World. We had such a cool time. I fed dolphins and got to touch them, I touched a manta ray, I got to watch an oyster get cracked open and then I got to keep the pearl.

But the best thing of all was....


Shamu surprised me and Matt the trainer.

Here I am on a twenty foot screen!

I even got to feed Shamu!!!!!!

This is the end of my blog.
I will see you in a few days.
See y'all!!!!!

Next on our trip we went to America and visited San Diego Zoo. This is a picture of the one the only the cutest thing on earth the red panda!!!

This is me with my face paint on. It is two swans. I am at the zoo. Here I am on the sky train. It is a cable car that goes across the zoo.

This is me covered in sand at the beach in Australia. It felt warm and cozy.

This is a skink. It felt like it was wearing armour.

Aaliyah and I got to feed kangarooooooooooooooos.

Symbie was so cuddlely. Koalas can make a sound that is like a lion's roar. And you thought it was just cute and cuddlely.

This is a boa constrictor. It was not slimy it was silky and smooth. It was very heavy. It was a sssssssssssnake!
This is me and my sister at the airport in Singapore at a Christmas display. We were on our way to Australia and we had a pit stop in Singapore.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Visit to London

On my way to Australia, I went to London. I saw Big Ben, and Queen's Pallace. I also got a chance to meet my cousin Payam and Navid for the first time. I stayed in a hotel which had great breakfast. Here are some photos.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Baha'i Gardens and Terraces
In the Holy Land I visited the Baha'i Gardens and terraces which are developed around the Shrine of the Bab and Baha'u'llah. Here are some photos of them.

I had a wonderful time in the Holy Land during my pligrimage. I visited the Shrines of Baha'u'llah - the Founder of the Baha'i Faith, the Bab, and Abdul-Baha who is the Son of Baha'u'llah. I said a lot of prayers for kittens and mother nature. Here are some photos from the Baha'i Holy places.

Shrine of the Bab.

Shrine of Baha'u'llah with my grandparents in front of it.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Ancient Fortress of Massada

The Fortress of Massada is actually a palace built by King Herod. It was a magnificent palace in the middle of the desert. Massada was then used as a fortress by the Jewish "Zealots" who fough against the Romans. This is the whole or cistern where all the water was stored.

This is a view from the balcony of Massada.

This is me looking out the window of the palace in Massada.

This is a model of what the palace used to look like.

Here is me, my mom, my grandma and my sister on top of Massada.
Camel Riding in Elat

I was scared of the camel siting down, buuuuuuut it didn't. I was the leader of all the camoooos. It was really fun.

The Aquarium in Elat in the South of Israel

Here I am cracking out of my shell as a baby turtle. Elat is a city at the very bottom of Israel. You can cross over here into Egypt. (and meet a Mummy!)

The Dead Sea

This is me floating on the saltiest sea in the earth. It is so salty that it has giant salt cubes in it. The reason why I am floating is because the salt makes everything float. It is called the Dead sea because nothing lives in it.

This is me covered in muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud!!!! The mud is supposed to be really good for you. For people who love to mush and gush with mud you will loooovvee this. How many times in your life to do you get an excuse to do this! You even put it in your hair.

The Engedi Nature Reserve

This is what the natural scenery of Israel looks like.

We went swimming in a water fall.

These are Ibexes. The males have bigger horns than the females. They are about the size of a goat.

These are pictures of rock hyraxes. You have to look really closely to see them. They are about as big as a rabbit.